Our Family

Eliot Martin (“Marzae”)


Winemaker & Winegrower


Marzae is the culmination of Eliot’s lifelong relationship with planting, growing, harvesting, and creating flavors with food and wine that bring culinary joy to friends and family. What started as a side project combining his acumen for sustainable business with his passion for and knowledge of the art and science of winemaking, quickly turned into a concrete vision of what could be. With the real journey just beginning, Eliot is looking forward to building not only a thriving vineyard & winery from the ground up, but creating community that can shape the future of Marzae together.

Katie Luczai (“Marzae”)


Head of Community


Fostering community has always been central to Katie's values. She has been with Marzae from its very inception, sharing both the challenges and joys of starting a company that puts sustainability, love, and focus on local impact at its heart. Using her skills in communication, creativity, and economic development she is central to continuing the success of Marzae.


Future Icon of a Vineyard Dog

  • Ryleigh Rivers (they them) is a natural wine/cider enthusiast and urban fruit tree steward in the Greater Boston Area. They spend their time thinking about the connections between the environment, beauty, and justice. Ryleigh is a true believer in the terroir of the Northeast and is excited to bring local, high quality, value-based wine to Boston. In their spare time Ryleigh enjoys cooking for friends, playing with their dog, writing, and staring at the ocean. We’re ultimately hoping to get Ryleigh salaried as Vineyard Manager.

  • Jordan Puskas-Sullivan (she/her)